I stood back, careful not to disturb her. Mesmerized, I watched as she lovingly created the *angel.* She took items - simple everyday things I'd probably throw away - and molded them into her 'picture' of a perfect angel. Every item had a designated place within the making. She pulled. Tugged. Stretched. Manipulated. Added the final touches. Placed a bow, tugged again. Then, she gently placed it on the table for all to admire. She had created a masterpiece - from nothing. She was lost in the moment - in her element - where time had no influence.
I, too, was lost, and had forgotten why I'd stopped in there. I could have spent hours watching this artist in action. Later, she spoke with me. Others had recognized her knack for creating gifts from nothing. They had even suggested she should have her own craft shop. I wholeheartedly agreed.
"The *image* comes to me," she said, "and I have to hurry off and create it before I lose my visual. The ideas just pop into my head, and I have to create them!"
How is it, I wonder, that the majority of the population aren't doing the thing that causes them to lose themselves in the moment. Have they given up finding that *special talent*, that thing in their life that makes their heart beat just a bit faster?
What is it in your life that causes you to *lose* yourself, even if only for a short while? That thing which brings you peace -- that says, "I'm lost in my element, right where I need to be!"
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